Price $49,950
Stock# 251876P
Truck Type | Day Cab |
Engine Make | PACCAR |
Engine Model | MX-13 |
Engine HP | 455 |
Trans Make | EATON |
Suspension Type | AG 400L |
Front Tire Size | 22.5 |
Axle Configuration | Tandem |
FA Capacity | 12350 |
RA Capacity | 40000 |
Rear End Ratio | 2.64 |
Wheelbase | 180 |
GVWR | 52350 |
Front Wheels | All Steel |
Engine Brake | 1 |
Color | Green |
Engine Serial | 2007045 |
Fuel Type | Diesel |
Tank #1 Capacity | 195 |
Trans Type | Endurant |
Serial No. | 1XKYDP9X0KJ251876 |
Odometer | 518,730 |
Used Kenworth T680 Daycab for sale. Features: Single Exhaust, Dual Fuel Tanks, Aftermarket Chain Hanger Frame-mounted between frame and battery box. Visit Liberty Kenworth and Coopersburg Kenworth to see our HUGE inventory of new and new and used dump trucks, daycabs, sleepers, trailers, and more.