Price $124,241
Stock# 0584675
Truck Type | Day Cab |
Engine Make | PACCAR |
Engine Model | PX-7 |
Engine HP | 300 |
Trans Make | ALLISON |
Trans Model | 2500RDS |
Suspension Type | HAS210L |
Axle Configuration | Single |
FA Capacity | 10000 |
RA Capacity | 16000 |
Rear End Ratio | 5.29 |
Wheelbase | 272 |
Front Wheels | STEEL |
Color | WHITE |
Interior | STANDARD |
Fuel Type | Diesel |
Tank #1 Capacity | 80 |
Suspension Make | HENDRICKSON |
Trans Type | AUTOMATIC |
Serial No. | 2NK3HM6X0SM161647 |
Allvan ProMover with rear swing doors, driver side door, and curbside door. removable walk ramp attaches at all doors, varnished floors and full attic