Truck Type | Day Cab |
Engine Make | Detroit |
Engine Model | DD13 |
Engine HP | 450 |
Trans Make | Detroit |
Trans Model | DT12 |
Suspension Type | Air Ride |
Front Tire Size | 22.5 LP |
Rear Tire Size | 22.5 LP |
Axle Configuration | Tandem |
FA Capacity | 12000 |
RA Capacity | 40000 |
Rear End Ratio | 2.41 |
Wheelbase | 174 |
GVWR | 52000 |
Front Wheels | All Aluminum |
Trans Speed | 12 Speed Automatic |
5th Wheel | Airslide |
Engine Brake | Jake |
Color | WHITE |
Fuel Type | Diesel |
Tank #1 Capacity | 130 GAL |
Interior Color | GRAY |
Serial No. | 3AKJHLDVXLSLF0980 |
Odometer | 374,196 |
Multiple available!! FL Cascadia 126 Day cabs! Detroit power backed by the proven DT12 transmission! Trucks all sit on new virgin tires and 10 aluminum wheels! Power locks/windows/mirrors! Smart wheel technology! Axle lock, suspension dump and air slide 5th wheel! Collision mitigation equipped! These trucks are well maintained, efficient and SAFE! Owner op or Fleet financing available! Don’t miss the chance at this affordable package of day cabs!