Truck Type | Day Cab |
Engine Make | CUMMINS |
Engine Model | X15 |
Engine HP | 500 |
Trans Make | EATON-FULLER |
Suspension Type | AG 400L |
Front Tire Size | 11R22.5 |
Axle Configuration | Tandem |
FA Capacity | 12350 |
RA Capacity | 40000 |
Rear End Ratio | 3.55 |
Wheelbase | 181 |
GVWR | 52350 |
Front Wheels | Aluminum/Steel |
Trans Speed | 10 Spd |
Engine Brake | 1 |
Color | Black |
Engine Serial | 80095186 |
Fuel Type | Diesel |
Tank #1 Capacity | 135 |
Serial No. | 3WKDD49X6KF296595 |
Odometer | 252,499 |
Used Kenworth T800 Daycab for sale. Features: Dual Exhaust, Wetline Kit, and more. Visit Liberty Kenworth and Coopersburg Kenworth to see our HUGE inventory of new and new and used dump trucks, daycabs, sleepers, trailers, and more.