Truck Type | Hook Lift |
Engine Make | Cummins |
Engine Model | B6.7 L |
Engine HP | 300 |
Trans Make | Allison |
Front Tire Size | 11-22.5 |
Rear Tire Size | 11-22.5 |
Axle Configuration | Single |
FA Capacity | 12000 |
RA Capacity | 21000 |
Rear End Ratio | 5.57 |
Wheelbase | 222 |
GVWR | 25,995 |
Front Wheels | Aluminum |
Rear Wheels | Aluminum |
Trans Speed | 6 |
Engine Brake | Yes |
Color | White |
Fuel Type | Diesel |
Trans Type | Automatic |
CA/CT | 156 |
Serial No. | 1M2MBAA9RS075527 |
Odometer | 10 |
Has a Locker
We installed a Stellar Slider 26 hooklift with a hydraulic adjustable jib from 36" to 54" and will lift 26k lbs
Also has a hydraulic Roll-Rite ALC 310 tarping system on it